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crow and the vengeful light
written by ludie sexton
illustrated by colleen palmer
Crow returns in a follow up story!
Crow saved us with an Eternal Night, but stopping the moon from shining comes with vengeful consequences. Crow must now remember her past to face the present and make the hardest choice of her life.
Vengeful Light is a sequel/companion book to Eternal Night as there are some recurring characters and references. Although it is meant to stand on its own with a brand new story, the full Crow experience may be more enjoyable if you have read Eternal Night first.
Book Specs:
8.5"x11" Book
56 pages
Full Color Interior pages
If it were a movie rating - we'd give Crow and the Eternal Night a PG/PG-13. It's solid dark fantasy with zombies, skeletons, and weird, dark creatures, but no over-the-top gore/violence or nsfw content.
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